The price of a Mac is one of the major reasons students would not consider purchasing one. The cost of a Mac is much higher than a Windows device, and Apple is a luxury brand often out of the reach of students. As a result, many students chose Windows. This is understandable since most students have limited budgets. However, students who used Windows for their studies still admit that they would have preferred a Mac if cost weren’t a factor.
More reliable
The debate over buying a Mac or a PC has raged for decades. The main reasons students choose a Mac over a PC are the easy-to-use macOS operating system, the vast selection of software, and the stylish designWhetherot you desire a Mac or a PC depends on your preferences and how much you’re willing to spend on a computer.
Students often use a laptop for laptopsacademic work, and cooler models are more comfortable. Most modern laptops are made with a heat management company, and their cooling systems aim to reduceby the amount of heat they produce. The heat vents are placed in areas where your fingers won’t touch them and are designed to distribute the air in a certain pattern.
The Topmate C5 12-15.6 Inch Gaming Laptop Cooler is one of the best laptop coolers, with multiple settings and a quiet fan. It has five adjustable fan positions, and cool blue LED lights, which keep your laptop cool while you work or play. You can even get an extra USB port for other accessories.
More stylish
Students who are looking for a great laptop should consider the Mac. The Apple ecosystem offers more connectivity, which is perfect for creative students. The Continuity feature lets students work on papers from anywhere, including their mobile devices. They can even receive iMessages on their MacBooks.
Aside from the OS, most students prefer the design and usability of Macs. About 70% of students who are enrolled in college use a Mac. The stylish design is another major selling point. The MacBook is more durable than most other laptops, and a MacBook will last you a long time.
There are a lot of reasons students choose Macs over PCs. One of the main reasons is that they last longer and don’t need to upgrade as often. Also, 80% of students who own a Mac say it’s better value for money than a PC. Apple still needs to convince potential customers that its products are worth the extra cash. But one way they can do this is by offering a student discount.
While many students use a PC, a study by the Apple device-management company Jamf found that 71 per cent of college students prefer a Mac. Another study found that 60 per cent of PC users would switch to a Mac if cost were not an issue.
Author Bio
Owen Ingram is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognised professional SEO service and Research Prospect, a Servizio di redazione di saggi e dissertazioni. Mr Owen Ingram holds a PhD degree in English literature. He loves to express his views on a range of issues including education, technology, and more.